Tuesday, 12 April 2022

I'm finding Resident Evil 4 boring

I've played resident evil 1 and 2, and the remakes of RE1, RE2 and RE3 (I started playing the original RE3 a couple of months ago, but ran out of ink ribbons so gave up about a third? of the way through the game).  See my blog posts here, here and here.  But I've never played RE 0, RE 4, RE 5, RE 6, RE 7, or RE 8 (village).

Anyway, everyone continually raves on about how great RE 4 is.  I even read someone who says he's been playing it about once a year ever since it was released in 2004!

The controls are abysmal.  I cannot "strafe" i.e move sidewards.,  The look around control seems very limited.  It's all very dark.  I don't think I can move when pointing a gun.  The first village was way too dark and I couldn't systematically look around everywhere because of this. Talk about a blind playthrough!

So I've just given up on it after that first village.

I find most computer games boring, although some of the old ones from 20 years ago are worth playing (but not RE 4).

I wonder what RE 5 and RE 6 are like?  RE 7, (which like RE 4 is also highly recommended) looks boring from watching someone play the first hour

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