Sunday, 15 December 2024

Materialism is Crazy

I think materialism is absolutely crazy. Yet, even more crazy is that people actually believe it. It is mind numbing; How can they believe it? How can they believe that we are biological robots with no free will, even no enduring self? How can they believe that their existence came about by some vastly improbable fortuitous miracle? And an absurd existence at that which is devoid of all purpose. Where we just find ourselves cast adrift into a meaningless world, a meaningless universe, living out our meaningless lives waiting until eternal darkness abruptly ends it all.

Materialism is an aberration of our modern world. What has happened to persuade people to believe in such an absurdity? I do know why, but I still find it astonishing that one's culture can so effectively brainwash people into subscribing to such patently obvious falsehoods.

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