Sunday, 9 April 2023

Time Slips

Someone here on youtube being interviewed about time slips.

A fascinating and baffling phenomenon where people appear to briefly travel back in time for a few minutes.

So someone, or a couple of people walking together, might be walking down a street, and noticing that people seem to be dressed in an old-fashioned way. Likewise, these people in old-fashioned clothes might be giving them curious looks in turn. Then they turn a corner or whatever, and it looks like the modern world again.

Not only that, but people sometimes interact with these people in the past. There's even been reports of them entering a building that no longer exists and bringing out physical objects from there back to the future (if I'm understanding what she said correctly).

I doubt this personally, and I doubt these people can really be travelling back in time, but I don't know what to make of it. Not likely to be a hallucination as often they're with someone else who also sees the same old-fashioned street.

But, if it really does happen, then presumably people in the present should sometimes see people from the future! (but the video doesn't mention that, although it does mention time slips of present day people seeing the future briefly).

During these experiences the light and sounds seem to dim, make of that what you will.

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