Wednesday, 21 July 2021

The Engagement Rating of Novels

I think the novels I read can be placed into one of the following four categories:

1. You end up skim reading it i.e it's not at all engaging. It's a chore to read, but you want to see what happens in the end (most likely this will happen near the end, if it happens the first half of the book, I'd just give up on it).

2. I don't skim read, but it's not engaging and a bit of a chore to read and finish.

3. Yeah . .it's ok . .ish.

4. You actually look forward to picking it up again and reading some more i.e it's a "page turner". "4" is very rare with me. When I was a kid, yes, lots of "page turners" back then.

Same for films. 4 is rare.  And I have watched less less famous films than anyone else.  So I've watch none of the star war, Harry Potter, lord of the rings, batman, Godfather films etc. 

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