Saturday, 20 February 2021

Amazon: All comments on Customer Reviews have been removed!

My TV set is almost 14 years old, so I'm looking at TV sets on Amazon and reading the customer reviews.  I've just noticed 1 hour or so ago that there is no longer a facility to comment on reviews!  This is quite definitely not useful to the customer.  If someone makes negative remarks about a product it was useful to read the comments underneath to see if others had the same experience.  A discussion forum here confirms that Amazon removed the comments in December.  

According to that forum Amazon said:

While reviews and feedback are important to our customers and sellers, the comments feature on customer reviews was rarely used. As a result, we are retiring this feature on December 16, 2020.

I have noticed in the past few years that the comments are becoming more and more difficult to access. Indeed, in the past year, their existence was not at all obvious.  Someone even mentions that they were not possible to view at all on smartphones.  It is therefore scarcely surprising that the comment feature was rarely used.  The obvious solution, therefore, would have been to make the comments prominent again and to allow smartphones to access them, not simply get rid of them altogether!

Something else irks me about this.  I'd typed countless thousands of words in the comments underneath customer reviews, especially under my own review of the book The Myth of an Afterlife, where I engaged with the editor Keith Augustine. We each must have contributed thousands of words arguing (or sometimes, more accurately, quarrelling) with each other.  Have all these arguments/debates been irretrievably deleted?  I find this extraordinarily irritating.  Why on earth could they not have warned people beforehand that their comments were going to be deleted?  It is disgraceful that no warning was given. 

Also, because it is not permitted to provide links in the actual reviews, I had included a link in the first comment to my ~13,000 word full review of this book on my main blog.   Now potential customers won't be aware of this more complete review (customer reviews on Amazon are (or were) limited to 5000 words, so I had to omit most of my review)  Nor am I able to edit my review on the USA site to advise customers to google for my full review (since around 3 years ago I am no longer permitted to submit customer reviews since I have bought insufficient number of products from the USA site.  Incidentally, that's because for most products they won't post to my address in the UK!).

So, anyway, I'm far from happy about this.  I shall email Bezo.

22/01/2021 Edited to add:  I emailed Bezos, although it wasn't him that responded.  Here is their response:

Dear customer, 

Amazon is always innovating to improve our shopping and selling experience. 

Comments on product reviews were rarely used, and we are retiring this feature so our teams can instead build features that will delight more customers and sellers. 

Thank you for your understanding.  

Thanks for taking the time to send us your comments on COMMUNITY FEATURE. We’re continually working to improve the shopping experience and ensure we present useful information to customers. I have passed your message along to the team involved with future development of our Communities features.   

If you want to find out more about this or other features, please visit our Site Features Help pages:   

I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon. 

Warmest regards, 

Mikyle Lakay

Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.

First of all why does the response say "Dear Customer" rather than "Dear Mr Wardell" or even "Dear Ian"?  It makes me suspect that he or she is just sending me a generic email.  Which might be the reason why my points have been ignored.  Also, why is Amazon UK responding?  I used Jeff Bezo's primary email address -- -- and he doesn't reside in the UK.  I responded with the following:

Hello, first of all why hasn’t Jeff responded, and why is Amazon UK responding?

You say:

"Comments on product reviews were rarely used, and we are retiring this feature so our teams can instead build features that will delight more customers and sellers."

But, as I said in my original email to Jeff, the reason why this is the case is, first of all, because Amazon doesn't make these comments available at all on mobiles and tablets, and secondly, for those who do use browsers, the very existence of the comments won't be noticed by the casual user compared to 3 or 4 years ago. You had to make a couple of clicks to get to the comments.

So, presumably, the comments are rarely used, not because people are not interested in them (why on earth would that be so anyway?) but rather because they are either not there, or their existence is only noticeable with those well versed with the Amazon site. 

The comments used to be directly below the reviews and couldn't be missed. The pertinent question here is, were they also rarely used then? I very much doubt this! In which case it has absolutely nothing to do with the assertion that people have no interest in the comments.

Pass this on to Jeff will you??

Ian Wardell 

Update 25/02/21: I got another response, but once again not from Jeff.  A different person from last time though.  They said:

"Hello Ian,

I am Bryce of's Communities Escalation Team. Jeff Bezos received your email, and I am responding on his behalf.

Comments on product reviews were rarely used, and we are retiring this feature so our teams can instead build features that will delight more customers and sellers. This is applicable to both the UK and US marketplaces."

So, yet again, my reasoning has simply been ignored which invites the question of why they bothered to respond at all.  What do I do? Just copy and paste my previous argument that this is wholly irrelevant? They simply don't take a blind bit of notice of what I say. No-one ever takes any notice of what I say. Might as well not bother communicating with anyone.

Maybe a different tack is in order. I could email back and threaten to boycott Amazon. 




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