Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Do I have the virus? Maybe.

This is now the 4th day since I was in close contact with someone who has the virus (sitting next to in a car). I read that the 4th and 5th days after the initial contact are the most likely days to experience the first symptoms. I await in trepidation!

So, 9 months of avoiding people and the very first person I'm forced to interact with at close quarters gets ill the very next day and transpires to have the virus. I might as well have enjoyed myself and attended covid 19 parties with wild abandon!

I feel like that main character in the Truman Show. 


29/11/20  Edited to add:  Now 3 weeks and 1 day since the contact.  No symptoms, so either I didn't get it or I was asymptomatic. 


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