Thursday, 21 May 2020

Remote Learning

According to this article not everyone hates remote learning. I emphatically don't.  To tell the truth, the vast majority of my knowledge comes from reading books. With reading you can reread something if you don't understand it. Have music on in background. Have breaks whenever you like.  But listening to people requires constant attention, and most stuff taught at school was utterly dreary.  This made it beyond my ability to pay attention and I just switched off and started daydreaming. Indeed, most days, before the age of around 13 years old, I literally learnt nothing from one day to the next. This partially explains my perplexity when people bang on about how important school is.

I really hated school.  I resent all my childhood being wasted by being forced to go there.  

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Far Cry 5

I don't really like modern computer games but bought Far Cry 5 for £12.50 yesterday. Played the first Far Cry game, which is excellent. Played maybe round a third of Far Cry 3 before my hard drive was formatted. No other Far Cry game. Far Cry 3 was OK ish.. but scarcely compares to Far Cry 1.  The problem with Far Cry 3 was all the crafting and timed stuff you were obliged to do, and having to go into shops to buy weapons, which all very much detracted from the experience. So not sure if I should play Far Cry 3 all the way through. So thought I might as well play Far Cry 5 to see if it's any better. Perhaps it will be as good as the first Far Cry!

My PC is 7.5 years old and never been upgraded, but it seems it can still run it. So that's the good news. Bad news is that the game starts very dark and people shooting at me. It would have been vastly better to start off in bright daylight in a picturesque idyllic tropical paradise as in Far Cry 1 with no enemies in sight. Just to soak in the scenery and get used to the controls etc. Why must we start off in the dark not being able to see anything! Do they want to put off people playing the game after the first 5 minutes?

Also, I have no idea what I'm doing, it all seems horrendously complex. To be fair I felt the same way about Far Cry 3 at first, but as I persevered it all became much clearer.

The map doesn't appear though when I press "M". It just gives me the journal. The "J" and "I" buttons also both give me the journal, and yes they are mapped correctly in the options. Perhaps I pick up the map a little way into the game? At the moment I haven't a clue where to go.

Why the heck can't they make a Far Cry game where the main character travels back in time to the age of the dinosaurs? Of course, he (or she) would have plenty of weapons. As well as dinosaurs like the T rex etc, perhaps there might be super intelligent dinosaurs of around our size with ray guns. Anyway, that would be an absolute blast. I'm pretty sure it'd be vastly more popular than than this Far Cry 5 game.

Anyway, for the time being, I'll persevere with Far Cry 5. Will update when appropriate.

Update:  A few hours later.

Been playing a litle bit more.  Now at last I'm seeing the environment in daylight.  However, it's nowhere near as beautiful as Far Cry or Far Cry 3.  The colours look washed out, insipid.  Even though only £12.50 I think this is probably a waste of money.  Why the heck aren't demos available for most computer games??

Update 13/06/20 I soon gave up on it. I just couldn't be bothered playing. Now I've bought the remake of Resident Evil 3 and see what that's like.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Pupil Dilation Exams

Avoid pupil dilation exams like the plague. 15 months later I'm still suffering from this occasional bright circle lasting 5-10 mins in the centre of my left eye vision. I was promised the procedure is completely harmless.

The older I get the more and more I realise that many so-called "experts" haven't got a freaking clue. Ophthalmologists in particular don't appear to have a scooby.

Friday, 1 May 2020

To infer the existence of others

One thing that people should be aware of is that if all our behaviour is entirely caused by neurons firing with our actual consciousness itself having no causal input, then we could not infer that others are conscious.

Materialism is Crazy

I think materialism is absolutely crazy. Yet, even more crazy is that people actually believe it. It is mind numbing; How can they believe i...