Sunday 22 April 2018

It's all so bizarre

How did we get here? From living 100,000 years ago in small isolated groups living in caves, to communicating with people across the globe on these devices?

To employ an analogy. We've learnt to play the computer game very efficiently indeed. We can predict very accurately what'll happen when our character performs certain actions. But we have absolutely no idea how the game is possible -- the underlying machinery that makes it all work. Or why it exists in the first place (despite what scientists would have you believe). 

And most importantly of all, why the bloody hell are we here? What or who put us here in this crazy mysterious world? For what purpose, if any?

Our lives are crazy and bizarre.  Yet most people are not aware of this, they do not know how bizarre our situation is, how bizarre our lives and the Universe are.  They sleepwalk through life thinking the purpose is to impress others, to make money, to get married, and then to die. 

And then what happens when we die?  Eternal oblivion?  Some mysterious new reality?  I don't know. 

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