Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Be Yourself
Unexpected Sequels to Novels
I keep starting to read novels only to find out that the story is uncompleted at the end and continued in a sequel (or sequels). Often that sequel is not even published yet! This is extremely irritating and I find it unacceptable that this information is not readily available on Amazon where I buy or borrow the book. Often you can find this out by looking through the customer reviews on Amazon, but that's not ideal since there's a propensity for some people to give spoilers. And by the time the sequel has been published I've read a huge number of other books in between and I can't remember the story!
Friday, 8 January 2021
Electricial Inspections during the Pandemic
I'm not getting very far with my local MP though. Here's the email exchange. I substitue *'s for names and locations.
My initial email reads:
Dear *****,I live in ***** in rented property. I have been informed by the letting agency that Governmental legislation requires that my property has a routine electricity inspection by the end of March. This inspection, I understand, will take several hours.Due to the new variant of covid 19, which is significantly more transmissible, and the fact the virus is more prevalent now than it has ever been, it seems to me somewhat unwise for any electricity inspections to take place that are scheduled for the near future.Surely this requirement has been waived in the light of this most recent lockdown? It seems to me that it certainly ought to have been waived. Perhaps it’s been overlooked?Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.Yours SincerelyIan Wardell
Unfortunately, the MP herself didn't respond, but rather some underling. He replied:
Dear Mr Wardell,
Thank you for your [email].
The Government has guidance on this, which is available at: [here]
The relevant part is this:
(Note from me: he says relevant, but then pastes in a lot of irrelevant stuff. I'll just quote the actual relevant part)"Where a tenant is not self-isolating and persistently refuses to allow access to the property, landlords still have the powers and tools available to gain access to their properties during the period affected by coronavirus. This includes access to the courts to obtain an injunction or, in the case of a local authority landlord, a warrant".
Yours Sincerely,
So a jobsworth responded and simply repeated the Government legislation, precisely the legislation that I pointed out is an unwise policy at this time. So, he never addressed the substance of my worry. I responded:
First of all, I did not email you, I emailed my MP, so why are you responding?
Let me be more blunt. If such electrical inspections go ahead, this will inevitably spread the virus, put hospitals under even more strain, and result in more deaths. Hence, it is simply unacceptable that they go ahead. I repeat, more people will die.
I’m afraid, in light of this, the current legislation is simply not tenable and must be changed. How do I take my complaint further?
Ian Wardell
He replied:
Dear Mr Wardell,
Further to your response, I work for ***** assisting constituents with their enquiries, however given your comments, **** will contact you directly about this matter in due course.
Yours Sincerely,
In "due course"? Sounds like she'll kick it into the long grass! I'll update once she responds, or I'll respond anyway in around 4 days or so if she doesn't.
15/1/2020 Edited to add:
She then sent another letter that I received today confirming it has been forwarded to this person. She further adds she'll let me know his response when he responds.
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Intellectual Humility
I read the following article.
Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong
Got to admit, certain things I find extremely hard to believe I'm wrong about e.g. my rejection of a completed physics that excludes an active role for consciousness, my dismissal of the possibility of people walking on Mars before 2030, my dismissal of the possibility of level 5 autonomous card by 2025 etc. But, I do go on about these things all the time on my blog and on Facebook, so people can pull me up should I ever be wrong 🙂
Monday, 4 January 2021
Tree House
An awesome tree house! When I buy my own large house with an expansive back garden I'll build something like this . . no . . I'll pay someone to build it.
Saturday, 2 January 2021
The Angry God of Thunder and Lightning
Ignoring, misusing and abusing science
The driving ethos of science is control and prediction, where myth and superstition are replaced by scientific laws and principles, and where explanations for almost everything are denied their mystical provenance and acquire the air of science. Not only were explanations turned into things physical and not mystical — like the fact that thunder and lightning is not the doing of an angry god but is simply when cold and warm air meet.
Yeah, and me when I start shouting at people is not the result of an angry Ian, but is simply when neurons interact and fire.
Take note I don't actually believe thunder and lightning are caused by an angry God. But I get sick of reading stuff from brainwashed people and their implicit metaphysical assumptions.
Indeed, if I were a materialist, I could say the meeting of cold and warm air just is anger. And there is no God that experiences the anger, there's only the anger itself! (Compare to when materialists say all mental events e.g. anger, love, the experience of colour etc, just are neurons firing. Moreover, there is no self that undergoes these experiences, there's only the experiences themselves!)
Materialism is Crazy
I think materialism is absolutely crazy. Yet, even more crazy is that people actually believe it. It is mind numbing; How can they believe i...
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